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Emergency accident drill

On the afternoon of June 28th at 13:30, all personnel participating in the emergency drill were present and prepared. This drill mainly includes emergency drills for electric shock accidents and mechanical injury accidents.

The purpose of this drill is to enhance the adaptability of all employees to sudden dangerous accidents, enhance their safety awareness and self-protection awareness, reduce or avoid the consequences of accidents, and ensure the normal operation of enterprise production and operation activities. Enable employees to master the emergency rescue operation procedures and methods, and improve the ability of various emergency teams to coordinate operations. Verify the effectiveness of emergency rescue supplies.

Through this drill, it has been confirmed that the company's emergency plan is feasible and appropriate, enhancing the confidence of the emergency team, exercising the team, and improving the abilities of the corresponding emergency team members to a certain extent. At the same time, some existing problems have also been identified - in emergency drills for electric shock accidents, the coordination and coordination abilities of each team need to be strengthened; In the drill of mechanical injury accidents, employees have insufficient understanding of mechanical injuries, and it is necessary to strengthen their understanding of the dangers of mechanical injuries and accident cases.

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Jiangsu Pengduo Machinery Technology Co., Ltd
Address: No. 1 South Road, Shijiaxiang Village, Zhenglu Town, Tianning District, Changzhou City
Phone: 0086-519-88903770
Fax: 0086-519-88900689
Contact person: Li Deming
Mobile phone: 0086-13915023276
Copyright: Jiangsu Pengduo Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. - Official website
